Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 4-8 Chicken curry & Lentil soup

Well around here the seasons change like the flip of a switch. It was one of the real joys we discovered after moving here from Florida. Can you imagine going 6 years with no spring? or fall? Actually in Florida, these seasonal changes happen a week apart in early February. One week the leaves are finally falling and the next week the new leaves emerge.The week after that the tent worms take over. Orange trees don't even have to have dropped their fruit before new blossums and fruit forms. Here ends the geography lesson for today.

Actually-- we are going to be visiting the Middle East again. This week I am making another family favorite-- chicken curry. I use lots of fresh chicken and fresh ginger, plenty of coconut milk and lime and curry. But this will not be a hot curry. So if you are relatively new to curries- fear not. If someone wants theirs real hot, I'll pass them the habanero sauce. I'll serve it over a bed of jasmine rice and with a side of fresh fruit. It will be plenty juicy and stick-to-your-ribs filling.

We are still recovering from an overwhelmingly busy weekend. So I will make the soup starting on Tuesday. This week's soup will be lentil soup with wholewheat cornbread. This is NOT a vegetarian version. I use lots of smoked sausage (beef and turkey), garlic, carrots and basil. Perfect for a cool weather treat. It can get quite thick-- like a stew. As always, you are welcome to taste a sample.

Our search for an indoor, permanent location continues. We appreciate that several of you have your eye out and are open to bright, resourceful solutions. I have great confidence that the right solution will reveal itself shortly-- and may already have. Last week we had three record days in a row. Each time the numbers went up, we looked at ways to make it go smoother while maintaining our high quality standards. It is almost scary to look back and realize just HOW MUCH we have learned in the last 2 months. My committment to creating delicious food using the freshest, locally sourced (when possible) ingredients has been like a light through the fog of confusing options.  I especially enjoyed being able to serve locally grown Chambourcin grapes and local Jonathon apples last week. As that grape makes my favorite Missouri wine, it was fun to taste it in its raw form.

Later in the week, watch for the new tablecloths. Autumn! Just today I noticed that the turkey vultures have once again arrived and this morning I spied a bald eagle soaring overhead. Aren't they early this year?

We look forward to seeing you this week. The "return visit" treat will be a surprise even to me!
Have a great week!

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