Sunday, July 18, 2010

Silken Corn Soup with Roasted Red Pepper Coulis and Mexicana Crema

This recipe came from Fine Cooking's Fresh--350 Recipes that Celebrate the Seasons.

I adore fresh corn and am most likey to eat it raw straight off the cob. I was afraid this recipe might lack dimension and be too single-flavor flat. NOT a problem! The flavor itself is rich but as you stir in the roasted red pepper coulis the flavor dimensions explode. FYI- the coulis is simply a mixture of roasted red peppers (yes, I prepare my own), fresh garlic, olive oil, sea salt, balsamic vinegar, red-wine vinegar, black pepper and cayenne blended to create a thick sauce. I added the Mexican Crema because I like it- but vegans could easily skip that part without losing much.

The soup itself uses a broth created using corn cobs (stripped of kernels) plus a lot of fresh basil, thyme and a bay leaf. That is strained and the resulting broth is used to cook the kernels. The fresh kernels plus the juice from the corn are combined with onion and garlic sauteed in fresh butter. After the corn is cooked in the stock it is all put into a blender and pureed. Smooth as silk!

I remember when we lived in Florida learning that the Seminole Indians considered the juice from corn as nectar from the Creator. It is called Sofkee. It was treated with reverence and celebrated. I agree that it is one of the most glorious flavors and often overlooked.
My next issue will show you the brushetta I paired with the soup. Yummmmmm!!!!

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